姓  名: 廖新浩
学科类别: 天体测量与天体力学
学  历: 博士研究生
职  称: 研究员
电  话: 021-34775003
电子邮件: xhliao@shao.ac.cn
通讯地址: 上海市南丹路80号

简  历:


研究方向: 行星物理






  1、 Dali Kong, Xinhao Liao, Keke Zhang, Gerald Schubert, (2013), Gravitational Signature of Rotationally Distorted Jupiter Caused by Deep Zonal Winds, Icarus, 226: 1425-1430.  

  2、 Liao Xinhao and Zhang Keke(2012)  Asymptotic solutions of differential rotation driven by convection in rapidly rotating fluid spheres with the non-slip boundary condition, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 106: 643-659.  

  3、 Liao Xinhao and Zhang Keke, (2012) On flow in weakly precessing cylinders:  the general asymptotic solution, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 709: 610-621. 

  4、 Liao Xinhaoand Keke Zhang, (2010)  Asymptotic and numerical solutions of the initial value problem in rotating planetary fluid cores, Geophysical Journal International, 180: 181-192. 

  5、 Liao Xinhao, and Keke Zhang , (2009) A new integral property of inertial waves in rotating fluid spheres,  Proceedings of The Royal Society A, 465: 1075-1091. 

  6、 Liao Xinhao and Keke Zhang, (2008) On viscous decay factors for spherical inertial modes in rotating planetary fluid cores: Comparison between asymptotic and numerical analysis, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 169:211-219 

  7、 Liao Xinhao, Zhang K., Chang Y., (2007) Nonlinear Torsional Oscillations in rotating Systems, Physical Review Letters., 98:094501-1-094501-4. 

  8、 Liao Xinhao, Feng T. and Zhang K., (2007) On the Saturation and Temporal Variation of Mean Zonal Flows: An implication for Equatorial Jets on Giant Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 666:L41-L44. 

  9、 Liao Xinhao, Zhang K. and Y. Change, (2006),  On boundary layer convection in a rotating layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 549: 375-384 

  10、Liao Xinhao and Zhang K. (2006), On the convective excitation of torsional oscillations in rotating systems, The Astrophysical Journal, 638: L113- L116. 


