姓  名: 李双良
学科类别: 天体物理
学  历: 博士
职  称: 研究员
电  话: 021-34775311
电子邮件: lisl@shao.ac.cn
通讯地址: 上海市南丹路80号

简  历:




研究方向:  黑洞吸积物理、活动星系核物理






1, Pan, Xin; Li, Shuang-Liang; Cao, Xinwu, Application of the disk instability model to all Quasi-Periodic Eruptions, 2023, ApJ accepted
2, Li, Shuang-Liang; Zhou, Minhua; Gu, Minfeng, Constraining X-ray emission of a magnetically arrested disk by radio-loud AGNs with an extreme-ultraviolet deficit, 2022, A&A Letter, 663L, 4L
3, Pan, Xin; Li, Shuang-Liang; Cao, Xinwu, et al., A Disk Instability Model for the Quasi-periodic Eruptions of GSN 069, 2022, ApJ, 928L,18P
4, Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Minfeng, The origin of X-ray emission in 3CRR sources: Hints from mid-infrared Spitzer observations, 2021, A&A,654,141L
5, Pan, Xin; Li, Shuang-Liang; Cao, Xinwu, The Effects of Large-scale Magnetic Fields on the Model for Repeating Changing-look AGNs, 2021, ApJ,910,97P
6, Li, Shuang-Liang, A nearby luminous AGN sample optically selected from Hubble Space Telescope, 2019, MNRAS,490,3793L
7, Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Minfeng, The black hole fundamental plane in low-excitation radio galaxies, 2018, MNRAS, 481L, 45L
8, Li, Shuang-Liang; Xie, Fu-Guo, A strong negative correlation between radio loudness RUV and optical-to-X-ray spectral index ox in low-luminosity AGNs, 2017, MNRAS, 471, 2848L
9, Liu, Hui, Li, Shuang-Liang, Gu, Minfeng & Guo, Hengxiao, An accretion disc-irradiation hybrid model for the optical/UV variability in radio-quiet quasars, 2016, MNRAS, 462, 56L
10, Li, Shuang-Liang, The High-efficiency Jets Magnetically Accelerated from a Thin Disk in Powerful Lobe-dominated FRII Radio Galaxies, 2014, ApJ, 788, 71
11, Li, Shuang-Liang, & Begleman, M. C., Thermal Stability of a Thin Disk with Magnetically Driven Winds, 2014, ApJ, 786, 6
12, Gu, Minfeng, & Li, Shuang-Liang, The ultraviolet/optical variability of steep-spectrum radio quasars: the change in accretion rate? A&A, 2013, 554, 51
13, Li, Shuang-Liang, & Cao, Xinwu, Constraints on Jet Formation Mechanisms with the Most Energetic Giant Outbursts in MS 0735+7421, 2012, ApJ, 753, 24
14, Li, Shuang-Liang, & Cao, Xinwu, The kinetic power of jets magnetically accelerated from advection-dominated accretion flows in radio galaxies, 2010, MNRAS, 405, 61
15, Li, Shuang-Liang, & Cao, Xinwu, Global dynamics of advection-dominated accretion flows with magnetically driven outflow, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 1734
16, Li, Shuang-Liang, & Cao, Xinwu, An accretion disc model for quasar optical variability, 2008, MNRAS,387,41L
17, Li, Shuang-Liang; Xue, Li; Lu, Ju-Fu, Studies of Thermally Unstable Accretion Disks around Black Holes with Adaptive Pseudospectral Domain Decomposition. I. Limit-Cycle Behavior in the Case of Moderate Viscosity, 2007, ApJ, 666, 368
18,Lu, Ju-Fu; Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Wei-Min, Global dynamics of radiatively inefficient accretion flows: advection versus convection, 2004, MNRAS, 352, 147L 


