姓  名: 孔大力
学科类别: 天体测量与天体力学
学  历: 博士研究生
职  称: 研究员
电  话: 021-34775637
电子邮件: dkong@shao.ac.cn
通讯地址: 上海市南丹路80号

简  历:

1985年11月生,研究员、博士生导师,上海天文台天文地球动力学中心“行星物理与磁流体力学”课题组组长。2008年毕业于南京大学天文学系,2012年于英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)获得应用数学博士学位,随后在埃克塞特大学地球物理与天体物理流体力学研究中心开展博士后研究工作至2017年5月,2017年6月入职中国科学院上海天文台。现兼任中国科学院行星科学重点实验室副主任、中国天文学会理事、中国空间科学学会理事、英国皇家天文学会会士等。主要研究兴趣是快速自转行星内部的流体动力学。截至2023年,已发表国际主流学术期刊论文近50篇(主要为第一作者或通讯作者论文)在国际会议做邀请报告11次,带领团队主持或参加国家自然科学基金、中国科学院、国防科工局及国际与地区间合作项目多项。

研究方向: 行星内部结构、行星内部热对流、地球与行星磁场、行星流体力学实验







1. Li, W., and Kong, D. (2023): Rapidly rotating self-gravitating Boussinesq fluid. III. A previously unknown zonal oscillation at the onset of rotating convection, Physical Review Fluids (Letter), 8, L011501

2. Li, W., and Kong, D. (2022): Rapidly rotating self-gravitating Boussinesq fluid. II. Onset of thermal inertial convection in oblate spheroidal cavities, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 103502

3. Kong, D. (2022): Rapidly rotating self-gravitating Boussinesq fluid: A nonspherical model of motionless stable stratification, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 074803

4. Zhaojin Rong; Yong Wei; Lucy Klinger; Masatoshi Yamauchi; Wenyao Xu; Dali Kong; Jun Cui; Chao Shen; Yanyan Yang; Rixiang Zhu; Jun Zhong; Lihui Chai (2021): A New Technique to

Diagnose the Geomagnetic Field Based on a Single Circular Current Loop Model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022778

5. Lam, K., Kong, D. and Zhang, K. (2021): Localised thermal convection in rotating spheres that undergo weak precession, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 115, 280

6. Li, W., Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Pan, Y. (2020): Depth of Jupiter’s Zonal Flow under the“Shallow-wind” Assumption, ApJ, 897, 85

7. Qin, S., Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Huang, Y. (2020): Interpreting the Equatorially Antisymmetric Gravitational Field of Saturn Measured by the Cassini Grand Finale, ApJ, 890, 26

8. Liu, S., Kong, D. and Yan, J. (2020): Possible approach to detecting the mysterious Saturnian convective dynamo through gravitational sounding, A&A, 644, A48

9. Kong, D. and Zhang, K. (2020): Lower-order zonal gravitational coefficients caused by zonal circulations inside gaseous planets: Convective flows and numerical comparison between modeling approaches, Earth and Planetary Physics, 4, 1

10. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2019): Depth of the dynamo region and zonal circulation of the molecular layer in Saturn inferred from its equatorially symmetric gravitational field, MNRAS, 488, 5633

11. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Lam, K. and Willis, A. P. (2018): Axially symmetric and latitudinally propagating nonlinear waves in rotating spherical convection, Phys. Rev. E., 98, 031101(R)

12. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Anderson, J. (2018): On the origin of Jupiter's cloudlevel zonal winds: deep or shallow, the puzzle remains even after Juno, PNAS, 115, 8499

13. Lam, K., Kong, D., and Zhang, K. (2018): Nonlinear thermal inertial waves in rotating fluid spheres, GAFD, 112, 357

14. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Anderson, J. (2018): Saturn's gravitational field induced by its equatorially antisymmetric zonal winds, RAA, 18, 50

15. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Anderson, J. (2018): The effect of the equatorially symmetric zonal winds of Saturn on its gravitational field, RAA, 18, 39

16. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Anderson, J. (2018): A model of Saturn inferred from its measured gravitational field, RAA, 18, 38

17. Zhang, K., Lam, K and Kong, D. (2017): Asymptotic theory for torsional convection in rotating fluid spheres, J. Fluid Mech., 813, R2

18. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2017): On the interpretation of the equatorially antisymmetric Jovian gravitational field, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 469, 716

19. Zhang, K., Kong, D. and Schubert, G. (2017): Shape, internal structure, zonal winds and gravitational field of rapidly rotating Jupiter-like planets, Annual Review for Earth and Planetary Sciences, 45, 419

20. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2016): A fully self-consistent, multi-layered model of Jupiter, Astrophys. J., 826, 127

21. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2016): Odd gravitational harmonics of Jupiter: Effects of spherical vs. nonspherical geometry and mathematical smoothing of the equatorially antisymmetric zonal winds across the equatorial plane, Icarus, 277, 416

22. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2016): On the gravitational signature of zonal flows in Jupiter-like planets: An analytical solution and its numerical validation, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 263, 1

23. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2016): Using Jupiter’s gravitational field to probe the Jovian convective dynamo, Scientific Reports, 6, 23497

24. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2015): Self-consistent internal structure of a rotating gaseous planet and its comparison with an approximation by oblate spheroidal equidensity surfaces, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 249, 43

25. Zhang, K., Liao, X. and Kong, D. (2015): Inertial convection in a rotating narrow annulus: Asymptotic theory and numerical simulation, Phys. Fluids, 27, 106604

26. Zhang, K., Kong, D. and Schubert, G. (2015): Thermal-Gravitational Wind Equation for the Wind-Induced Gravitational Signature of Giant Gaseous Planets: Mathematical Derivation, Numerical Method and Illustrative Solutions, Astrophys. J., 806, 270

27. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2015): Wind-Induced Odd Gravitational Harmonics of Jupiter, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Lett., 450, L11

28. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2015): An exact solution for arbitrarily rotating gaseous polytropes with index unity, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 448, 456

29. Jiang, J., Kong, D., Zhu, R. and Zhang, K. (2015): Precessing cylinders at the second and third resonance: Turbulence controlled by geostrophic flow, Phys. Rev. E, 92, 033007

30. Kong, D., Cui, Z., Liao, X. and Zhang, K. (2015): On the transition from the laminar to disordered flow in a precessing spherical-like cylinder, GAFD, 109, 62

31. Kong, D., Liao, X., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2014): The shape, internal structure and gravity of the fast spinner Pictoris b, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Lett., 445, L26

32. Kong, D., Liao, X., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2014): Equatorial Zonal Jets and Jupiter's Gravity, Astrophys. J. Lett., 791, L24

33. Kong, D., Liao, X. and Zhang, K. (2014): The sidewall-localized mode in a resonant precessing cylinder, Phys. Fluid, 26, 051703

34. Hubbard, W. B., Schubert, G., Kong, D. and Zhang, K. (2014): On the Convergence of the Theory of Figures, Icarus, 242, 138

35. Kong, D., Lin, W., Pan, Y and Zhang, K. (2014): Swimming motion of rod-shaped magnetotactic bacteria: the effects of shape and growing magnetic moment, Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology, 5, Article 8

36. Kong, D., Liao, X., Zhang, K, and Schubert, G. (2013): Gravitational Signature of Rotationally Distorted Jupiter Caused by Deep Zonal Winds, Icarus, 226, 1425

37. Kong, D., Wang, T., Kou, D. and Liu, M. (2013): A Polytropic Model of Rapidly Rotating -Eri, Progress in Astronomy, 31, 213

38. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2013): On the Gravitational Fields of Maclaurin Spheroid Models of Rotating Fluid Planets, Astrophys. J., 764, 67

39. Kong, D., Zhang, K., Schubert, G. and Anderson, J. (2013): A Three-Dimensional Numerical Solution for the Shape of a Rotationally Distorted Polytrope of Index Unity, Astrophys. J., 763, 116

40. Cui, Z., Kong, D., Pan, Y. and Zhang, K. (2012): On the swimming motion of spheroidal magnetotactic bacteria, Fluid Dynamics Research (Fluid Dynamics Research 2012 Highlights Collection), 44, 055508

41. Kong, D., Cui, Z., Pan, Y. and Zhang, K. (2012): On Stokes flows driven by a translating/rotating prolate spheroid at arbitrary angles, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 75, 455

42. Kong, D., Zhang, K., and Schubert, G. (2012): On the variation of zonal gravity coefficients of a giant planet caused by its deep zonal flows, Astrophys. J., 748, 143

43. Schubert, G., Anderson, J., Zhang, K., Kong, D., Helled, R. (2011): Shapes and gravitational fields of rotating two-layer Maclaurin ellipsoids: Application to planets and satellites, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 187, 364

44. Kong, D., Zhang, K. and Schubert, G. (2010): Shapes of two-layer models of rotating planets, J. Geophys. Res.: Planets, 115, E12003

45. Zhang, K., Kong, D. and Liao, X. (2010): On fluid flows in precessing narrow annular channels: asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation, J. Fluid Mech., 656, 116

46. Yuan, F., Zhu, Z. and Kong, D. (2008): Revisiting the Local Kinematics of the Milky Way Using the New Hipparcos Data, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 8, 714

47. Kong, D. and Zhu, Z. (2008): A Study of the Scale Height of the Thin Galactic Disk in the Solar Neighborhood, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 32, 360


