地球物理和天体物理流体力学系列讲座--Latest astrometric results for the Saturnian system

报告题目Latest astrometric results for the Saturnian system

报告人Valery Lainey 研究员 (巴黎天文台)

报告地点: 三楼大会议室

报告时间:2024年 6 月 11 日(周二) 上午9:30

腾讯会议: 677-120-308


During the thirteen years spent in orbit around Saturn before its final plunge, the Cassini probe provided more than ten thousand astrometric observations of moons. Such a large amount of precise data has allowed us to search for extremely small signals in the orbital motion of the Saturnian satellites. These signals can be linked to key physical mechanisms at play in the system, opening the doors to a new vision of the Saturn system. Using more than a century of ground-based astrometric observations, and benefiting from Cassini imaging data, we have studied the orbital motion of all of Saturn's inner and main moons, including those recently discovered by the Cassini probe. We show how astrometry has allowed us to characterize the strong tidal effects acting among the Saturnian system, while assessing the interior characteristics of several moons and their primary, including the discovery of Mimas' ocean. Updated results are presented.


Dr. Lainey is an astronomer at the Paris observatory and an expert in orbital dynamics of Solar system objects.  His first research topic was the Galilean satellites, for which he showed that Io was close to thermal equilibrium.  Then he lead the team that discovered the significance of tidal dissipation within Saturn and more recently the existence of the Mimas’ ocean.  During the years 2017-2019 he participated to the end of the Cassini mission at JPL (NASA).

