A Dynamic View of Galaxy Clusters – From the Cores to the Outskirts

Title:A Dynamic View of Galaxy Clusters – From the Cores to the Outskirts

Speaker:Congyao Zhang  (University of Chicago)

Time:3:00 pm March 26th (Tuesday)

Location: Large conference, 3rd floor


Galaxy clusters, massive virialized halos in the cosmic web, provide ideal laboratories for us to understand cosmology, plasma physics, and the nature of dark matter. Exploring their formation and evolution is one of the frontiers in modern astrophysics. In this talk, I will discuss several hot topics in cluster studies, from the activities of supermassive black holes in the cluster center to accretion and violent mergers in the outskirts. I will demonstrate the power of idealized numerical simulations in advancing our understanding of the physical processes in clusters, such as feedback, turbulence, shocks, and halo virialization. This approach sheds light on how to interpret multi-wavelength observational data (e.g., optical, X-ray, sub-mm/SZ, and radio) and is crucial for the development of future telescopes. I will also briefly discuss several X-ray missions/mission concepts (e.g., XRISM, LEM, HUBS) and highlight the importance of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy for future cluster studies.

CVCongyao Zhang is currently a research scientist at the University of Chicago. Prior to this, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) as a postdoctoral researcher. He earned his PhD degree at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) at Peking University in 2016. His research interests include galaxy clusters, large-scale structures, and high-energy astrophysics. Collaborating closely with both theorists and observers, he currently focuses on applying analytical and numerical modeling to understand (1) formation and evolution of galaxy clusters and (2) how to use these massive structures to investigate plasma physics and cosmology. He is actively involved in multiple international teams for the development of X-ray missions/mission concepts, such as XRISM, LEM, and Athena.
