Initial condition for terrestrial planet-formation (關於類地行星形成之初始條件之新猜想)

Title:Initial condition for terrestrial planet-formation (關於類地行星形成之初始條件之新猜想)

Speaker:Hauyu Baobab Liu (呂浩宇) (National Sun Yet-sen University)

Location Medium conference room, 3rd floor

Time9:30am, Dec. 28th, Thursday


I have been hypothesizing that, in the protoplanetary disks, the dust masses might have been systematically underestimated by at least one order of magnitude, while the dust maximum grain sizes have been systematically overestimated by 2~3 orders of magnitude. I will present a few high angular resolution case studies to support this hypothesis, and also our new systematic surveys that imply that our hypothesis is generally true. I will also introduce the physical implications of our hypotheses.


Dr. Liu is presently an associate professor at the Department of Physics of Sun Yat-sen University. He was the winner of the Ta-You Wu Prize in 2022 and used to be an ESO Fellow at Garching, Germany, in 2015~2018. He studies dust grain growth in protoplanetary disks, star-formation, and the accretion of supermassive black holes.

