Helical and non-helical large-scale dynamos in thin accretion discs

Title:Helical and non-helical large-scale dynamos in thin accretion discs

Speaker:Hongzhe Zhou (TD Lee Institute)

Time9:30 am Dec. 14th (Thursday)

Tencent Meeting576-157-8290 password: 6360

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


The dynamics of accreting and outgoing flows around compact objects depends crucially on the strengths and configurations of the magnetic fields therein, especially of the large-scale fields that remain coherent beyond turbulence scales. Possible origins of these large-scale magnetic fields include flux advection and disc dynamo actions. Ho we ver, most numerical simulations have to adopt an initially strong large-scale field rather than allow them to be self-consistently advected or amplified, due to limited computational resources. The situation can be partially cured by using sub-grid models where dynamo actions only reachable at high resolutions are mimicked by artificial terms in low-resolution simulations. In this work, I couple thin-disc models with local shearing-box simulation results to facilitate more realistic sub-grid dynamo implementations. For helical dynamos, detailed spatial profiles of dynamo drivers inferred from local simulations are used, and the non-linear quenching and saturation is constrained by magnetic helicity evolution. In the inner disc region, saturated fields have dipole configurations and the plasma reaches ? 0.1 to 100, with correlation lengths ? h in the vertical direction and ? 10 h in the radial direction, where h is the disc scale height. The dynamo cycle period is ? 40 orbital time scale, compatible with previous global simulations. Additionally, I explore two dynamo mechanisms which do not require a net kinetic helicity and have only been studied in shearing-box set-ups. I show that such dynamos are possible in thin accretion discs, but produce field configurations that are incompatible with previous results. I discuss implications for future general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations.
