Black hole X-ray binaries: the disk evolution, coronal variability and outflows

TitleBlack hole X-ray binaries: the disk evolution, coronal variability and outflows

SpeakerHonghui Liu, Fudan University

LocationLarge conference room, 3rd floor

Time3:00pm, Sep. 18th, Monday

Tencent Meeting576-157-8290 Password: 6360


Black hole X-ray binary systems (XRBs) are ideal sources to study the accretion process. In this talk, I will discuss how we can use the X-ray reflection component, namely the reprocessed coronal emission by the optically thick accretion disk, to study the evolution of the disk-corona system during the outburst of XRBs. One of the most important results is that the disk is found to be stable during the hard-to-soft transition. Accretion is always accompanied with outflows, which not only regulate the inflow but also contribute to feedback to the environment. I will also talk about disk wind outflows in XRBs.


Honghui Liu received his Bachelor degree from Fudan University in 2019 and has since continued his Ph.D study in Fudan in the group of Prof. Cosimo Bambi. He is supposed to get the Ph.D degree in the summer of 2024. His research interests are on studying the environment of accreting black holes with X-ray observations. The topics he has worked on include X-ray reflection spectroscopy, outflows in accreting systems, low frequency quasi-periodic oscillations and spectropolarimetric analysis. Until now, he has published 9 papers as the first author on journals like ApJ, MNRAS or PRD.

