Cosmology - small and large

  Title: Cosmology - small and large

  Speaker: Yin-Zhe Ma (University of British Columbia, Canada)

  Time & Place: Tuesday, 3:00pm, January 14th, 3rd floor middle conference room


  The Observations of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, large-scale structure and 21-cm are the major probes of cosmology in recent years. In this talk, I will discuss how these surveys are related to our understanding of fundamental aspects of the Universe:

  1. Do the current cosmological parameters from Planck satellite indicate some new physics?

  2. Does the full-sky CMB indicate broken statistical isotropy?

  3. What is the mass of Andromeda and Milky-way, and can we determine cosmology just from our local group?

  4. Do the bulk flow of nearby galaxies indicate some new physics?

  5. How does the 21-cm observation tell the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
