Studies of ULIRGs and Massive Galaxy Formation at z~2 with Space Telescopes

Speaker: Jiasheng Huang, Harvard-CfA & NAOC
Time: 2013, Apr. 11, 3:00P.M.
Location: 3rd floor Lecture Theatre
Title: Studies of ULIRGs and Massive Galaxy Formation at z~2 with Space Telescopes
  In this talk, I will present studies of ULIRGs at z~2 with Spitzer, Herschel and Hubble. Dusty galaxies at high redshifts were first observed with submm/mm telescopes. Spectrosocpy for these submm galaxies to identify their redshifts became difficult because of faint optical counterparts. The Spitzer telescope observed large amount of 24micron selected IR galaxies at z~2, and the mid-IR spectroscopy with IRS directly identifies their redshifts. The mid-IR spectroscopy also shows rich spectral features, including PAH emission and silicate absorption features. Recently the Herschel Space Telescope detected those galaxies in FIR bands. The dust temperatures for the MIPS 24 sources are unbiased comparing with submm galaxies biased towards cold dust emission. More recently the HST largest multi cycle program, CANDELS, took deep NIR imaging of 5 fields, permitting studies of the rest-frame optical morphologies of these galaxies.
