David vs. Goliath: exploiting the black hole mass scale to constrain jet physics

Speaker: Prof. Sera Markoff (Amsterdam University)

Time: August 30, 2:00PM

Location: 3rd floor, Middle conference room

Title: David vs. Goliath:  exploiting the black hole mass scale to constrain jet physics


Correlations between the radio and X-ray bands in the hard state of black hole X-ray binaries have led to the discovery of the so-called Fundamental Plane (FP) of black hole accretion, linking accretion-driven radiative output to black hole mass. After a brief summary of the FP phenomenology, drivers and implications, I will focus on how we can exploit this mass scaling to learn more about the relationship between accretion inflow and jets near their launch point in black holes.  In particular I will highlight how we can place our Galactic center supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, into context with other sources.  I will also discuss some ideas mass-scaling comparisons are giving us about how jet dynamics and particle acceleration may be set by conditions close to the black hole.
