JCMT Data Reduction Workshop - October 16 Shanghai
The Shanghai Astronomical Observatory will hold 1-day workshop on JCMT data reduction and analysis on Oct. 16 at SHAO in Shanghai. JCMT staff, Dr. Harriet Parsons and Dr. Mark Rawlings, will give these tutorials. The agenda is attached below.
This workshop is scheduled before JINGLE team meeting in Shanghai (Oct. 17-18) and MALATANG team meeting in Nanjing (Oct. 19-21) as a united conference (The conference announcement can be found at here: JINGLE and MALATANG) .
We aim to open this tutorial to all interested researchers and students, and high priority will be given to members of JINGLE, MALATANG and other JCMT large programs due to space limitation. If you are interested to attend, please contact Ting Xiao (xiaoting@shao.ac.cn) as soon as possible to help us get a rough head account.
Agenda for the workshop on Oct. 16:
Morning session (3 hour - with breaks):
JINGLE and MALATANG appropriate (and other JCMT users)
introduction to STARLINK
introduction to HARP and RxA3m
Heterodyne beginner
Heterodyne advanced
**break for lunch**
Afternoon session (3 hour - with breaks):
JINGLE appropriate (and other JCMT users)
introduction to SCUBA-2
SCUBA-2 basic
SCUBA-2 advanced
In addition if requested we could cover any of the following (time permitting):
Hedwig session - Proposal submission to the JCMT
JCMTOT - how to submit JCMT project MSBs
POL-2 introduction and basic data reduction in an extended session
General JCMT project support for existing users
If you are interested in any additional topics listed above, please inform us in the email.