2025年1月2日 星期四


  近期,中国科学院上海天文台研究人员通过理论推导,深入分析了处于旋转自引力平衡的椭球Boussinesq流体中的热不稳定性问题,首次得到快速旋转椭球形天体内部流体热不稳定性的判据,这一理论不仅可以直接用于理解木星与土星这样显著非球形行星内部的对流动力学,甚至可能被用于研究黑洞吸积盘等极端扁平的旋转流体系统。相关研究成果于1027发表在流体力学期刊Physical Review Fluids上,并被美国物理学会(American Physical Society)选为媒体推荐成果。 


  钱德拉塞卡(S. Chandrasekhar)最早分析旋转球形流体的热不稳定性判据[2]。几十年以来,众多学者系统性地研究了球形近似条件下流体从传导态到对流态复杂的线性分岔性质[3-11]。迄今为止,以上所有研究都忽略了天体由于自转产生的离心力而形成的非球形形状,因此这一系列基于球形近似条件所获得的研究结论的合理性和有效性从未得到任何理论或数值分析的检验。但随着人们对木星、土星和α Eridani等快速自转天体观测和研究的不断加深,椭球形天体内部全局热不稳定性判据变得愈发必要[12-14] 







[1] K. Zhang and G. Schubert, Magnetohydrodynamics in rapidly rotating spherical systems, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 32, 409 (2000). 

[2] S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962). 

[3] P. H. Roberts, On the thermal instability of a rotating-fluid sphere containing heat sources, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A 263, 93 (1968). 

[4] F. Busse, Thermal instabilities in rapidly rotating systems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 44, 441 (1970). 

[5] A. M. Soward, On the finite amplitude thermal instability of a rapidly rotating fluid sphere, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 9, 19 (1977). 

[6] J.-I. Yano, Asymptotic theory of thermal convection in rapidly rotating systems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 243, 103 (1992). 

[7] K. Zhang, On coupling between the Poincaré equation and the heat equation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 268, 211 (1994). 

[8] K. Zhang, On coupling between the Poincaré equation and the heat equation: non-slip boundary condition, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 284, 211 (1995). 

[9] C. A. Jones, A. W. Soward, and A. I. Mussa, The onset of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating sphere, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 405, 157 (2000). 

[10] E. Dormy, A. M. Soward, and C. A. Jones, The onset of thermal convection in rotating spherical shells, JFM 501, 43 (2004). 

[11] J. Sánchez Umbría and M. Net, Continuation of double Hopf points in thermal convection of rotating fluid spheres, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20, 208 (2021). 

[12] D. Kong, K. Zhang, G. Schubert, and J. D. Anderson, Origin of Jupiter’s cloud-level zonal winds remains a puzzle even after Juno, PNAS 155, 8499 (2018). 

[13] P. Kervella, A. Domiciano de Souza, S. Kanaan, and et al., The environment of the fast rotating star Achernar ii. Thermal infrared interferometry with VLTI/MIDI, A&A 493, L53 (2009). 

[14] A. Maeder, C. Georgy, and D. Meynet, Convective envelopes in rotating OB stars, A&A 479, L37 (2008). 

[15] D. Kong, Rapidly rotating self-gravitating Boussinesq fluid: A non-spherical model of motionless stable stratification, Physical Review Fluids 7, 074803 (2022). 




