关于申报中国博士后科学基金第2批特别资助(站前)的通知 Notice of Applying for China Postdoctoral Science Fund, No.2 Special Funding (Pre-Station), 2020 发布时间:2020-04-03 来源: 浏览:各位博士后、合作导师: 根据中国博士后科学基金会《中国博士后科学基金资助申请指南(2020年度)》,中国博士后科学基金第2批特别资助(站前)申报时间已确定。 特别资助(站前)是为吸引新近毕业的国内外优秀博士进站,在前沿领域从事创新研究实施的资助,由专家会议评审确定资助对象。资助人员须在名单公布后3 个月内办理进站手续,逾期视为自动放弃入选资格。2020年资助人数约400 人,资助标准为18 万元。 我台申报工作安排如下,请各位在站博士后积极申报。 According to the guide of China Postdoctoral Science Fund, 2020 《中国博士后科学基金资助申请指南(2020年度)》, the application for the No.2 Special Funding(Pre-Station) in SHAO is as followed: 一、 申报截止时间: 2020年5月15日(周五) 17:00 Deadline: 5:00pm, May 15, 2020 二、 申报条件 1. 年龄不超过35周岁(1984年1月1日后出生),具有良好的科研潜质和学术道德。 2. 近三年获得博士学位的博士、2020年度应届博士毕业生和新近进站的博士后研究人员可申报。2020年度应届博士毕业生优先。其中,2020 年度应届博士毕业生在申报时须已满足博士学位论文答辩的基本要求;新近进站的博士后研究人员的博士学位获得时间须为2019年1月1日以后,且须2019 年4月15日后进站。 3. 近三年获得博士学位的博士和2020年度应届博士毕业生在申报前需选定博士后合作导师,与合作导师商定初步研究计划,并获得我台拟同意录取意见。合作导师应为知名专家,学术造诣深厚。 4. 新近进站的博士后研究人员须依托所在博士后科研流动站、工作站进行申请,不得变更合作导师。 5. 申请进入本单位相同一级学科的人员、申请由博士导师继续担任博士后合作导师的人员的总比例不得超过30%。 6. 入选人员须全脱产从事博士后研究工作。 7. 全国博士后管委会组织实施的各类博士后国际交流计划派出项目(学术交流项目除外)、博士后创新人才支持计划入选者不得申请。 8. 不允许申报涉密项目。 9. 申报项目须为下表中规定的研究方向。 Qualifications: (1) Under 35 years of age (born after January 1, 1984), with good research potential and academic ethics. (2) Doctors who have received doctoral degrees in the previous three years, fresh doctoral graduates in 2020 and current in-station postdoctoral researchers are eligible for application. Fresh doctoral graduates in 2020 are preferred. Among them, Fresh doctoral graduates in 2020 must have met the basic requirements for the defense of the doctoral dissertation at the time of application; postdoctoral researchers who recently enter the station are required to obtain their doctoral degrees after January 1, 2019, and enter the station after April 15, 2019. (3) Doctors who have received doctoral degrees in the previous three years and fresh doctoral graduates in 2020 need to select their postdoctoral tutors before applying, agree on preliminary research plans with their tutors, and get the admission from SHAO. Tutors should be well-known experts with profound academic attainments. (4) Postdoctoral researchers who recently enter the station must rely on their postdoctoral station for application, and may not change their tutors. (5) The total proportion of persons applying for admission to the same level of disciplines in their institutions and those applying for doctoral tutors continuing to be postdoctoral tutors shall not exceed 30%. (6) All the selected personnel shall be engaged in full-time postdoctoral research. (7) The candidates for all kinds of postdoctoral international exchange programs (except academic exchange programs) organized and implemented by the China National Postdoctoral Council and postdoctoral innovative talents support programs shall not apply. (8) Application shall not be made for confidential programs. (9) The program applied for shall fall under the research direction stipulated in the Guide. 三、 申请材料及要求Materials and Requirement details 《中国博士后科学基金特别资助申请书(站前)》2份;身份材料、学术及科研成果材料、《博士导师推荐意见表》、《博士后合作导师推荐意见表》各2份。 身份材料。已获得博士学位的申请人须提供博士学位证、毕业证复印件;应届博士毕业生须提供学生证复印件、博士学位论文答辩决议书复印件或博士论文预答辩通知书。 学术及科研成果材料。代表申请人最高学术水平和科研成果的论文、专著、专利或奖励等,可以从以上类型材料中任选,但总数不超过3个。论文提供全文,专著提供目录和摘要,专利或奖励提供证书复印件。 具体要求: 1. 自4月13日起,申请人登录中国博士后科学基金会网站“中国博士后科学基金管理信息系统”,按要求填写相关信息。 2. 上传身份材料、学术及科研成果材料、《博士导师推荐意见表》和《博士后合作导师推荐意见表》扫描件。 3. 在线打印纸质申请书2 份。 4. 按顺序将《申请书》、身份材料、《博士导师推荐意见表》、《博士后合作导师推荐意见表》、学术及科研成果材料装订成2 册。 5. 在申请截止日期5月15日前将2册申请材料报送我台人教处。 Materials: Application form 《中国博士后科学基金特别资助申请书(站前)》(two print) , identity materials and certification documentsof scientific achievements (2 copies),form《博士导师推荐意见表》and《博士后合作导师推荐意见表》(recommendation letters from PhD supervisor and postdoctoral supervisor, 2 copies). Identity material means the PhD diploma or certificate for thesis defense result if you just finish the defense but not receive the diploma. Scientific achievement documents include published papers, patent certificates, awards or honors certificates, etc. No more 3 items. Requirement details: Step1. From April 13,Applicants log in the foundation system “中国博士后科学基金管理信息系统” and fill in application information as required,. Step2. Upload the scan of identity materials, scientific achievements documents, recommendation letters from PhD supervisor and postdoctoral supervisor in the system. Step3. Print the application form online (2 copies) and sign it. Step4. Bind the application form, identity materials, and recommendation letters from PhD supervisor and postdoctoral supervisor ,scientific achievements documents in sequence (2 copies). Step5. Hand in the application documents to the personnel office before the deadline, May 15.
联系人:杨俊 地址:上海市徐汇徐南丹路80号人教处 办公室:天文大厦813 电话:021-34775030
上海天文台人教处 2020年4月3日