Leaving Procedures发布时间:2018-03-15 来源: 浏览:1. Make an oral presentation for your postdoc work出站考核/工作汇报 Preparations: 1) Presentation slide: about 30min; 2) Please send your electronic report (PDF) to Yangjun at lease 1 or 2 days in advance before your presentation; 3) Ask your supervisor to draft the form 《博士后研究人员工作期满业务考核表》 for you in advance (draft the evaluation opinion, better in Chinese), this electronic form is going to be checked by the committee after your presentation;; 4) Invite at least 5 professors to attend your presentation; 5) Fix a time with your supervisor and examiners of your presentation, and inform Yangjun at least 3 days in advance. 2. Documents to be submitted after the presentation: Please finish and submit the following documents to the Personnel and Education Division ASAP. 1) Registration Form 《博士后研究人员工作期满登记表》(fill in the registration information, submit it online ) Online system “中国博士后”(http://www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn) - 业务工作办理 - 博士后进出站 - Log in - finish the “出站” information and then the 《博士后研究人员工作期满登记表》online. Another way, you can also fill in the document 《博士后研究人员工作期满登记表 Registration Form (Template)》 offline, then ask someone to help you fill the information in the system. 2) Provide a copy of your Offer or Invitation Letter from the next institute if you have(no need); 3) Leaving Confirmation Form《博士后离台移交通知单》(Take the form to each department to make a leaving confirmation); 4) Copies of your Doctoral Degree Certificate and degree authentication certificate are required if you never submitted it before. The related documents are attached.
If you have any questions, please contact me! Yangjun, Room 813, yangjun@shao.ac.cn, Tel: 021-34775030